New Collection deserves a new post. It has been 3 years since my last entry. I guess this answers my pondering of whether I could blog regularly. In creating art I am thankful that I have time to do this regularly. I however do not feel guilt for not posting often mostly because it means my priorities are straight especially during this changing season of my life. I know that in all forms of art those who are supporters and beneficiaries of artists look for those who can build a great social media presence. Like business, most artists are not the greatest of creating a great marketing portfolio that seems natural. I know personally taking photos while I am working seems awkward and showing me in a staged situation is just uncomfortable as well as unnatural. I personally love looking at pictures of Frida, Picasso, and Matisse working in their studios. Yet, there are only a handful of pictures not hundreds of these photos which seem sacred. Perhaps this is my hesitancy in posting multiple pictures of myself and my work. I want to keep things sacred. Hardly anything is sacred anymore.
This new collection is on Statelessness. I started this collection during the height of Covid while residing in New Orleans. My husband’s film shoot shut down with the promise it would only be for 2 weeks. Six months later we were still in New Orleans and I had pinpointed the direction of my next series. After moving to various locations and setting up studios in Chicago, Baton Rouge, and Albuquerque I was finally back in Los Angeles where I could cut my mats and hand them over to my fantastic framer to finish the presentation of my work over the last few years.
With much delay in having a show due to a writers as well as a prolonged actor’s strike I am thankful to now be in Atlanta long enough to pop up the East coast to exhibit in New York City from March 21- March 24, 2024. I am especially grateful for those who have supported me through this collection’s creation. I am specifically talking about the Stateless community that resides here within the United States. I have been humbled and embraced by this group of exceptionally resilient humans and can’t wait to share their stories with others through my art. If you would like to know more about Statelessness here in the United States please visit United Stateless’s website at It is a timely subject due to political activity within our own country and around the world that directly affects the lives of those who are already Stateless and those at risk of becoming Stateless. As I have learned over time everything is not so simple in regards to pathways towards citizenship, regretfully they are not straight lines for all.