Saint Julian of Norwich, England
Real Name Unknown
AD 1342-1416
Born: England
Miracles: Received Visions that she then authored a book, “The Revelations of Divine Love”
Died: Norwich, England, old age
There is much speculation that surrounds the woman of Julian of Norwich. Little is known about her personal life and how she ended up serving as an anchoress from a young age in the Medieval Church. Her book she authored was said to have been written under the mystic communication of over 20 visions she had received from God.
Julian was a devoted servant with the earliest surviving book written by a woman author in English. Pictured with a hazelnut, representing all that was created in the world, Julian lived in the understanding that everything that exists is because of God’s love to sustain it. Julian was known to have lived in her cell her whole life and her only steadfast companion was her cat. Her feline associate has been represented by the brooch on her habit.
Despite knowing nothing of the personal story of Saint Julian’s life her devotion was what she would like everyone to remember. Like most true impactful women being famous was not the goal but serving something greater than herself was more fulfilling. For Saint Julian it was communicating a love greater than she could provide herself but only found in her Creator.